lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008

Vivir, es entender que cada minuto que transcurre no volverá.
Es atraparlo intensamente, porque forma parte del tiempo, que sabemos ha quedado en el ayer.

Vivir, es gozar los momentos bellos y desafiarse a sí mismo ante las adversidades.
Vivir, es aprender más cada día, es evolucionar y cambiar para hacer de nosotros un ser mejor que ayer, un ser que justifica su existir.
Vivir, es comprender al amigo ante la adversidad y aunque se tenga mil argumentos para contradecirlo o justificarlo, finalmente sólo escucharlo.
Vivir, es sentir, es amar y gozar, es observar y superar, es dar y aceptar, es ser y permanecer, es comprender que nuestro tiempo es lo único que poseemos para realizar plenamente nuestro ser.

1 comentario:

Clarita dijo...

Flopita para estás en Octavo o Séptimo?, te quiero mucho, nos veremosss ahora en el verano más seguido, hoy estubimos charlando con vos un rato :) Sos hermosa Florrr.

The walls were closed on me.

The walls were closed on me.

Every moment spent with you.

Every moment spent with you.

All around the world.

All around the world.

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥



There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

; Cleptomista ♥

; Cleptomista ♥

Lets go back to the start.

Lets go back to the start.

Is true.

Is true.

shine on.

shine on.



Stop crying your heart out

Stop crying your heart out

Some day.

Some day.

Be on your way

Be on your way

What's been and gone.

What's been and gone.

Mara Belen (:

Mara Belen (:

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Amiga Joseli ♥

Amiga Joseli ♥

She is the one.

She is the one.

We were one.

We were one.

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