domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

  • Nadie alcanza las metas con un solo intento, ni perfecciona la vida con una sola rectificación. Nadie camina la vida sin haber pisado en falso muchas veces. Nadie recoge cosecha sin enterrar muchas semillas. Nadie mira la vida sin acobardarse en muchas ocasiones, ni se mete en el barco sin temerle a la tempestad, ni llega al puerto sin remar muchas veces. Nadie siente el amor sin probar sus lagrimas, ni recoge rosas sin sentir sus espinas, nadie hace obras sin martillar sobre su edificio, ni cultiva amistad sin renunciar así mismo. Nadie llega a la otra orilla sin haber hecho puentes para pasar. Por esto nadie deja de cometer errores sin arrepentimiento, así danza esta vida y la forma precisa de saberla llevar, es levantarse después de cada derrota, cada sufrimiento y cada angustia.

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The walls were closed on me.

The walls were closed on me.

Every moment spent with you.

Every moment spent with you.

All around the world.

All around the world.

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥



There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

; Cleptomista ♥

; Cleptomista ♥

Lets go back to the start.

Lets go back to the start.

Is true.

Is true.

shine on.

shine on.



Stop crying your heart out

Stop crying your heart out

Some day.

Some day.

Be on your way

Be on your way

What's been and gone.

What's been and gone.

Mara Belen (:

Mara Belen (:

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Amiga Joseli ♥

Amiga Joseli ♥

She is the one.

She is the one.

We were one.

We were one.

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