jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Elegir el camino correcto nunca es fácil. Es una decisión para la que sólo tenemos a nuestro corazón para guiarnos, pero a veces encontramos nuestro camino hacia algo mejor. A veces luchamos contra los pensamientos de nostalgia y los remordimientos de nuestros errores, nuestra maldad y nuestos celos y la vergüenza que sentimos por no ser la personas que queremos ser y ahí es cuando encontramos nuestro camino hacia algo mejor o cuando algo mejor encuentra su camino hacia nosotros.

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The walls were closed on me.

The walls were closed on me.

Every moment spent with you.

Every moment spent with you.

All around the world.

All around the world.

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥

; Mejorchi Camilou ♥



There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

There are many things that I wolud like to say to you

; Cleptomista ♥

; Cleptomista ♥

Lets go back to the start.

Lets go back to the start.

Is true.

Is true.

shine on.

shine on.



Stop crying your heart out

Stop crying your heart out

Some day.

Some day.

Be on your way

Be on your way

What's been and gone.

What's been and gone.

Mara Belen (:

Mara Belen (:

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Maybe you and me i will not believe.

Amiga Joseli ♥

Amiga Joseli ♥

She is the one.

She is the one.

We were one.

We were one.

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